Baiona & Ribeira Sacra


Oportunidad de Inversión en Baiona & Ribeira Sacra


Compliance with Regulation (EU) 2020/1503. 🇪🇺

Risk warning

Investing in this crowdfunding project involves risks, including the risk of partial or total loss of the money invested. Your investment is not covered by the deposit guarantee schemes established in accordance with Directive 2014/49/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council (*). Your investment is not covered by the investor compensation schemes established in accordance with Directive 97/9/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (**). You may not get any return on your investment. This is not a savings product and you are advised not to invest more than 10% of your net wealth in crowdfunding projects. You may not be able to sell the investment instruments whenever you want. Even if you can assign them, you could suffer losses.

Pre-contractual cooling-off period for inexperienced investors

Inexperienced investors have a cooling-off period of four (4) days during which they can, at any time, revoke or withdraw, at any time, from their investment offer or expression of interest in the participatory financing offer without having to justify their decision and without incurring a penalty. The cooling-off period begins at the moment when the potential inexperienced investor makes an investment offer or expresses interest and expires four calendar days from that date. To exercise their right of revocation, Investors may send an email to the following address:, filling in the “subject” field of the email as follows: “REVOCATION – Name of the Opportunity – Full name of the Investor”. In the event that a monetary contribution has been made in connection with the financing offer, this amount will be returned as soon as possible to the wallet that, as an investor/user of the ‘WECITY’ Platform, has been opened in the Payment Institution ‘LEMONWAY’.

Credit risk

Credit risk is defined as the loss that may occur in the event of non-payment by the counterparty in a financial transaction. In this specific case, the risk that the Promoter will not pay the principal and/or interest of the Loan.

Sector risk Risks inherent to the specific sector.

These risks may be caused, for example, by a change in macroeconomic circumstances, a reduction in demand in the sector in which the participatory financing project operates and dependencies on other sectors. In any case, the investor must bear in mind that adverse economic conditions or cyclical changes may lead to a weakening of the Promoter’s ability to meet its financial commitments in relation to the loan.

Risk of default

The risk that the project developer may be subject to insolvency proceedings and other events affecting the project or the project developer that result in the loss of the investment for the investors. These risks may be caused by a variety of factors, including, but not limited to: (serious) change in macroeconomic circumstances, mismanagement, lack of experience, fraud, financing not fitting with the corporate purpose, failure in the product launch or lack of liquidity. In the event of the Promoter’s bankruptcy, the holders of the credits will be considered as credits with special privilege, as they are secured by a mortgage guarantee, in accordance with the cataloguing and order of priority of credits established by Royal Legislative Decree 1/2020, of May 5, which approves the revised text of the Bankruptcy Law (hereinafter, the “Bankruptcy Law”), except for those amounts that, in accordance with Article 272 of the Bankruptcy Law, should be classified either as ordinary credit or as subordinated credit, as appropriate.

Risk of lower or delayed return

The risk that the return will be lower than expected or that the project will default on the payment of principal or interest.

Risk of illiquidity of the investment

The risk that investors will not be able to sell their investment. There is no active trading market for the loan, so it is possible that the investor will not be able to find a third party to whom to assign the loan.

Other risks

Risks that are, among others, beyond the control of the project developer, such as political or regulatory risks.

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